Commit f66e079a by hank


parent 3c4bd8a4
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<p class="btworden animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 1s;">ART AND TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION</p>
<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 0.7s;">技术创造艺术的大数据可视化团队</p>
<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">我们坚持用科技创造艺术的理想,不断走在视觉艺术的最前沿。</p>
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<p class="btworden animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 1s;">ART AND TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION</p>
<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 0.7s;">技术创造艺术的大数据可视化团队</p>
<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">我们坚持用科技创造艺术的理想,不断走在视觉艺术的最前沿。</p>
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<p class="btworden animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 1s;">具备前沿技术与科技未来的</p>
<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 0.7s;">智慧城市可视化管控平台、企业智慧可视化管控平台</p>
<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">商业智能利器,你身边的数据分析与数据表现专家。</p>
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<p class="btworden animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 1s;">具备前沿技术与科技未来的</p>
<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 0.7s;">智慧城市可视化管控平台、企业智慧可视化管控平台</p>
<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">商业智能利器,你身边的数据分析与数据表现专家。</p>
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<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 0.7s;">完整的数据可视化解决方案</p>
<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">每天,我们处理超过10,000,000万条数据,累计服务用户480,348,355人次</p>
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<p class="btworden animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 1s;">案例遍布金融、地产、旅游、汽车、教育、科技等行业的500强客户
<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 0.7s;">完整的数据可视化解决方案</p>
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<p class="btworden animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 1s;">百万级可视化云服务平台</p>
<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 0.7s;">让一切数据可感可知可触碰</p>
<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">对海量数据自由计算、极速响应,驱动大数据行业变革</p>
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<p class="btworden animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 1s;">百万级可视化云服务平台</p>
<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 0.7s;">让一切数据可感可知可触碰</p>
<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">对海量数据自由计算、极速响应,驱动大数据行业变革</p>
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<div class="name">智慧城市可视化管控平台</div>
<div class="en">Smart City Visualization Platform</div>
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<p>> 毫秒级数据采集,全类型数据汇聚</p>
<p>> 探索全量企业数据,充分发挥大数据价值</p>
<p>> 实时分布式计算平台,构建大数据算力</p>
<div class="top">
<div class="line1"></div>
<div class="name">智慧城市可视化管控平台</div>
<div class="en">Smart City Visualization Platform</div>
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<p>> 毫秒级数据采集,全类型数据汇聚</p>
<p>> 探索全量企业数据,充分发挥大数据价值</p>
<p>> 实时分布式计算平台,构建大数据算力</p>
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<div class="name">企业智慧可视化管控平台</div>
<div class="en">Enterprise Intelligence Visualization Control Platform</div>
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<p>> 兼容各种数据源类型,支持海量数据</p>
<p>> 多平台数据可视化展现</p>
<p>> 运营决策分析,规避企业风险</p>
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<div class="name">企业智慧可视化管控平台</div>
<div class="en">Enterprise Intelligence Visualization Control Platform</div>
<div class="line2"></div>
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<p>> 兼容各种数据源类型,支持海量数据</p>
<p>> 多平台数据可视化展现</p>
<p>> 运营决策分析,规避企业风险</p>
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<div class="menu-item">数字互动解决方案</div>
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