Commit 12eca3e5 by lirandong

优化 登录提示

parent 41632689
import '@tarojs/async-await'
import configStore from './store'
import Index from './pages/index'
import { Provider } from '@tarojs/redux'
import { pages, INDEX, LOGIN } from './constants/router'
import Taro, { Component, Config } from '@tarojs/taro'
import Index from './pages/index'
// import Login from './pages/login'
// import './app.less'
import token from './constants/token'
// import token from './constants/token'
// import api from './api';
// 如果需要在 h5 环境中开启 React Devtools
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Token {
const { data } = await MyStorage.getItem({ key: 'token' })
if (!!data) this.token = data
} catch (error) {
console.error('获取本地 token 失败~', error)
console.warn('获取本地 token 失败~', error)
......@@ -26,3 +26,12 @@ export const MyStorage = {
export function checkPhone(phone) {
return /^1[3456789]\d{9}$/.test(phone.toString())
export function showErrorToast({ error, tips }: { error?: any; tips?: string }) {
if (!error && !tips) return
Taro.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: error && error.msg ? error.msg : tips })
import Home from '../home/'
import Login from '../login'
import { ComponentClass } from 'react'
import { View } from '@tarojs/components'
import token from '../../constants/token'
import { LOGIN, HONE } from '../../constants/router'
// import { LOGIN, HONE } from '../../constants/router'
import Taro, { Component, Config } from '@tarojs/taro'
class Index extends Component {
......@@ -9,13 +11,17 @@ class Index extends Component {
navigationStyle: 'custom'
componentDidMount() {
!token.isLogon() ? Taro.redirectTo({ url: LOGIN }) : Taro.redirectTo({ url: HONE })
// Taro.redirectTo({ url: HONE })
// componentDidMount() {
// // !token.isLogon() ? Taro.redirectTo({ url: LOGIN }) : Taro.redirectTo({ url: HONE })
// // Taro.redirectTo({ url: HONE })
// }
render() {
return <View />
return (
<View style={{ height: '100%', width: '100%' }}>
{token.isLogon() ? <Home /> : <Login />}
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { ComponentClass } from 'react'
import { CheckBox } from 'react-native'
import { connect } from '@tarojs/redux'
import { HONE } from '../../constants/router'
import { checkPhone, showErrorToast } from '../../constants/utils'
import Taro, { Component, Config } from '@tarojs/taro'
import { View, Text, Input, Button, Checkbox, Label } from '@tarojs/components'
......@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ type PageState = {
checked: boolean
userPhone: string
checkCode: string
getCodeTime: number
type IProps = PageStateProps & PageDispatchProps & PageOwnProps
......@@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ class Login extends Component {
this.state = {
userPhone: '',
checkCode: '',
checked: false
checked: false,
getCodeTime: 0
......@@ -61,34 +64,52 @@ class Login extends Component {
getCheckCode = async () => {
if (this.state.userPhone.length !== 11) return
const { userPhone, getCodeTime } = this.state
if (!checkPhone(userPhone)) {
Taro.showToast({ title: '手机号码有误~', icon: 'none' })
} else if (getCodeTime === 0) {
try {
await api.user.getCheckCode(this.state.userPhone)
Taro.showLoading({ title: '获取中...' })
await api.user.getCheckCode(userPhone)
this.setState({ getCodeTime: 60 })
const timer = setInterval(() => {
if (this.state.getCodeTime === 0) {
} else {
this.setState({ getCodeTime: this.state.getCodeTime - 1 })
}, 1000)
} catch (error) {
// console.warn('获取验证码失败~', error)
showErrorToast({ error, tips: '获取验证码失败~' })
// Taro.hideLoading()
login = async () => {
const { userPhone, checkCode } = this.state
try {
const res = await api.user.login(userPhone, checkCode)
console.log({ res })
Taro.showLoading({ title: '登录中...' })
await api.user.login(userPhone, checkCode)
Taro.navigateTo({ url: HONE })
} catch (error) {
console.error('用户登录出错~', error)
// console.warn('用户登录出错~', error)
showErrorToast({ error, tips: '用户登录出错~' })
// Taro.hideLoading()
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {
const { userPhone, checkCode, checked } = nextState
const { userPhone: UP, checkCode: CC, checked: CK } = this.state
return userPhone !== UP || checkCode !== CC || checked !== CK
shouldComponentUpdate(_nextProps, _nextState) {
const { userPhone, checkCode, checked, getCodeTime } = _nextState
const { userPhone: UP, checkCode: CC, checked: CK, getCodeTime: GT } = this.state
return userPhone !== UP || checkCode !== CC || checked !== CK || getCodeTime !== GT
render() {
const { checked, userPhone, checkCode } = this.state
const loginBtnState = userPhone.length === 11 && checked && checkCode.length === 6
const { checked, userPhone, checkCode, getCodeTime } = this.state
const loginBtnState = checkPhone(userPhone) && checked && checkCode.length === 6
const getCodeing = getCodeTime > 0
return (
<View className="login">
<Text className="text">Vmatrix</Text>
......@@ -111,12 +132,15 @@ class Login extends Component {
<Text className="check-code-btn" onClick={this.getCheckCode}>
className={`check-code-btn ${getCodeing && 'check-code-btn-disabled'}`}
{getCodeing ? `${getCodeTime}秒后再获取` : '获取验证码'}
<Label className="app-clause" for="app-clause">
{/* taro 的 CheckBox 在 rn 上不能触发点击 */}
{/* Taro 的 CheckBox 在 RN 上不能触发点击事件 */}
{Taro.getEnv() === Taro.ENV_TYPE.RN ? (
<CheckBox value={checked} onChange={this.changeCheckBox} />
) : (
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@
color: #6a92f9;
.check-code-btn-disabled {
color: #ccc;
.app-clause {
width: 100%;
margin-top: 10;
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