Commit 4e92c456 by lirandong

添加 redux 状态管理功能,

添加 设备管理功能页面
parent 0bf20de0
import { ADD, MINUS } from '../constants/counter'
import { ADD, MINUS, ADD_TEMP_LIST, ADD_DEVICE_LIST, ADD_FILM_LIST } from '../constants/counter'
export const add = () => {
return {
......@@ -19,3 +19,30 @@ export function asyncAdd() {
}, 2000)
/** 修改模板市场数据 */
export function changeTempList(list: any[], count: number) {
return {
/** 修改我的视片数据 */
export function changeDeviceList(list: any[], count: number) {
return {
/** 修改我的设备数据 */
export function changeFilmData(list: any[], count: number) {
return {
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import { concatParam } from '../common/utils'
// import $config, { message, requestCode, tokens } from '@/config'
import { axios, CancelTokenStatic, AxiosInstance } from 'taro-axios'
import { BASE_URL, FETCH_TIME_OUT, INTERFACE_REPEAT } from '../constants/counter'
import { BASE_URL, FETCH_TIME_OUT, INTERFACE_REPEAT } from '@/common'
import token from '../common/token'
const concatParamMethod = new Set(['post', 'put'])
......@@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ class UsersApi extends ApiClient {
url: `/template/del/film/info/${filmId}`
/** 更改设备绑定显示 */
updateEquipmentBinding(filmIds: string[], filmId: string) {
return this.request({
url: `/template/update/equipment/binding/filmid`,
data: { equipmentId: filmId, filmId: filmIds }
export default new UsersApi()
......@@ -34,14 +34,15 @@ class App extends Component {
config: Config = {
pages: [
// 'pages/home/tempaltes/detail'
export const FETCH_TIME_OUT = 5000
export const BASE_URL = ''
export const INTERFACE_REPEAT = '接口重复,请求已取消'
......@@ -10,15 +10,10 @@ type PageStateProps = {}
type PageDispatchProps = {}
interface PageOwnProps extends IMilmListItme {
// filmName: string
// templateUrl: string
// equipmentCount: string
onClick: () => void
onClick?: () => void
type PageState = {
name: string
type PageState = {}
type IProps = PageStateProps & PageDispatchProps & PageOwnProps
......@@ -28,16 +23,10 @@ interface FilmListItem {
class FilmListItem extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
name: '小红'
render() {
const { templateUrl, filmName, equipmentCount, onClick } = this.props
return (
<View className="films-item-wrapper" onClick={onClick}>
<View className="films-item-wrapper" onClick={() => onClick && onClick()}>
<View className="img-box">
<Image className="films-item-img" src={templateUrl} />
export const ADD = 'ADD'
export const MINUS = 'MINUS'
export const BASE_URL = ''
export const FETCH_TIME_OUT = 5000
export const INTERFACE_REPEAT = '接口重复,请求已取消'
export const ADD_TEMP_LIST = 'ADD_TEMP_LIST'
export const ADD_FILM_LIST = 'ADD_FILM_LIST'
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import { showMyToast } from '@/common/utils'
import { View, Text, ScrollView } from '@tarojs/components'
import './index.scss'
import { connect } from '@tarojs/redux'
import { changeFilmData } from '@/actions/counter'
export interface IDeviceItem {
filmId: any
......@@ -19,9 +21,14 @@ export interface IDeviceItem {
equipmentState: string
type PageStateProps = {}
type PageStateProps = {
list: any[]
count: number
type PageDispatchProps = {}
type PageDispatchProps = {
changeFilmData: (list: any[], count: number) => void
type PageOwnProps = {}
......@@ -40,6 +47,17 @@ interface MyDevice {
state: PageState
({ counter }) => {
const { list, count } = counter.filmData
return { list, count }
dispacth => ({
changeFilmData(list: any[], count: number) {
dispacth(changeFilmData(list, count))
class MyDevice extends Component {
constructor(props) {
......@@ -64,7 +82,7 @@ class MyDevice extends Component {
try {
const { list, count } = await api.common.getMyDeviceList(page)
this.setState({ deviceList: list, count })
this.props.changeFilmData(list, count)
} catch (error) {
......@@ -121,18 +139,21 @@ class MyDevice extends Component {
shouldComponentUpdate(_nextProps, _nextState) {
const { deviceList, showModal } = this.state
const { deviceList: _deviceList, showModal: _showModal } = _nextState
return deviceList !== _deviceList || showModal !== _showModal
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IProps, _nextState) {
const { list } = this.props
const { list: _list } = nextProps
const { showModal } = this.state
const { showModal: _showModal } = _nextState
return list !== _list || showModal !== _showModal
render() {
const { deviceList, showModal } = this.state
const { list } = this.props
const { showModal } = this.state
return (
<View className="my-device">
{ => (
{ => (
@import '@styles/var.scss';
.device-select {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.device-select-scroll-wrapper {
flex: 1;
.device-select-scroll-view {
height: 100%;
.device-select-item-wrapper {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
.device-selec-check-box {
margin-left: 30px;
.device-selec-device-item {
flex: 1;
.device-select-bottom-bar {
// height: 40px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
import api from '@/api/index'
import { ComponentClass } from 'react'
import Taro, { Component } from '@tarojs/taro'
import { View, Text } from '@tarojs/components'
import { connect } from '@tarojs/redux'
import DeviceItem from '@/conpoments/device_item'
import Taro, { Component, Config } from '@tarojs/taro'
import { View, Text, ScrollView, Button, Checkbox } from '@tarojs/components'
import './index.scss'
import { showMyToast } from '@/common/utils'
import { changeFilmData } from '@/actions/counter'
type PageStateProps = {}
type PageStateProps = {
list: any[]
count: number
type PageDispatchProps = {}
type PageDispatchProps = {
changeFilmData: (list: any[], conut: number) => void
type PageOwnProps = {}
type PageState = {
name: string
page: number
filmId: string
checked: Set<string>
type IProps = PageStateProps & PageDispatchProps & PageOwnProps
......@@ -20,18 +32,128 @@ interface DeviceSelect {
state: PageState
({ counter }) => {
const { list, count } = counter.filmData
return { list, count }
dispatch => ({
changeFilmData(list: any[], count: number) {
dispatch(changeFilmData(list, count))
class DeviceSelect extends Component {
constructor(props) {
config: Config = {
navigationBarTitleText: '设备管理'
constructor(props: any) {
const { filmId } = this.$router.params || ''
this.state = {
name: '小红'
page: 1,
checked: new Set()
this.updateBind = this.updateBind.bind(this)
this.changeAllCheck = this.changeAllCheck.bind(this)
async componentWillMount() {
const { page } = this.state
try {
const { list, count } = await api.common.getMyDeviceList(page)
this.props.changeFilmData(list, count)
} catch (error) {
changeItem({ filmId }) {
if (this.state.checked.has(filmId)) {
const newSet = this.state.checked
checked: new Set([...newSet])
} else {
checked: new Set([...this.state.checked, filmId])
// console.log({ item })
async updateBind() {
const { checked, filmId } = this.state
try {
await api.common.updateEquipmentBinding([...checked], filmId)
showMyToast({ tips: '修改成功~' })
// console.log({ res })
} catch (error) {
showMyToast({ tips: '修改失败~' })
changeAllCheck() {
const { list } = this.props
const { checked } = this.state
if (list.length === 0) return
if (checked.size !== list.length) {
// 没全选
const checkedId = list.reduce((previous, { equipmentId }) => {
return previous
}, [])
checked: new Set([...checkedId])
} else {
// 已全选
checked: new Set()
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IProps, nextState: PageState) {
const { checked } = this.state
const { checked: _checked } = nextState
const { list } = this.props
const { list: _list } = nextProps
return checked !== _checked || list !== _list
render() {
const { list } = this.props
const { checked } = this.state
const { size } = checked
return (
<View className="DeviceSelect">
<Text>hello world</Text>
<View className="device-select">
<View className="device-select-scroll-wrapper">
<ScrollView className="device-select-scroll-view">
{ => (
<View key={item.equipmentId} className="device-select-item-wrapper">
onClick={() => this.changeItem(item)}
<View className="device-selec-device-item">
<DeviceItem {...item} />
<View className="device-select-bottom-bar">
<Text onClick={this.changeAllCheck}>全选,共选择{size}</Text>
<Button onClick={this.updateBind}>确定</Button>
import api from '@/api/index'
import { ComponentClass } from 'react'
import { AtSwipeAction } from 'taro-ui'
import Taro, { Component } from '@tarojs/taro'
import { connect } from '@tarojs/redux'
import { showMyToast } from '@/common/utils'
import Taro, { Component } from '@tarojs/taro'
import { changeDeviceList } from '@/actions/counter'
import { View, ScrollView } from '@tarojs/components'
import FilmListItem from '@/conpoments/film_list_item'
import { View, Text, ScrollView, Image } from '@tarojs/components'
import './index.scss'
type PageStateProps = {}
type PageStateProps = {
list: any[]
count: number
type PageDispatchProps = {}
type PageDispatchProps = {
changeDeviceList: (list: any, count: number) => void
type PageOwnProps = {}
......@@ -23,8 +30,6 @@ export interface IMilmListItme {
interface PageState {
page: number
count: number
flimListData: IMilmListItme[]
type IProps = PageStateProps & PageDispatchProps & PageOwnProps
......@@ -34,14 +39,21 @@ interface Films {
state: PageState
({ counter }) => {
const { list, count } = counter.deviceData
return { list, count }
dispacth => ({
changeDeviceList(list: any, count: number) {
dispacth(changeDeviceList(list, count))
class Films extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
page: 1,
count: 0,
flimListData: []
this.state = { page: 1 }
async componentWillMount() {
......@@ -52,21 +64,12 @@ class Films extends Component {
try {
const { page } = this.state
const { count, list } = await api.common.getMyFilmsList(page)
flimListData: list
this.props.changeDeviceList(list, count)
} catch (error) {
shouldComponentUpdate(_nextProps, _nextState) {
const { flimListData } = this.state
const { flimListData: FD } = _nextState
return flimListData !== FD
async handleItem({ filmId }: IMilmListItme) {
Taro.showModal({ content: '确定要删除?' }).then(async ({ confirm }) => {
if (confirm) {
......@@ -86,12 +89,18 @@ class Films extends Component {
Taro.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/home/tempaltes/film_detail?filmId=${filmId}` })
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IProps) {
const { list } = this.props
const { list: _list } = nextProps
return list !== _list
render() {
const { flimListData } = this.state
const { list } = this.props
return (
<View className="films">
<ScrollView className="scroll-view" scrollY>
{ => (
{ => (
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Device extends Component {
const { windowHeight } = Taro.getSystemInfoSync()
this.state = {
current: 1,
current: 0,
windowHeight: windowHeight - 43
import { ITempItem } from '../..'
// import { ITempItem } from '../..'
import { ComponentClass } from 'react'
import Taro, { Component } from '@tarojs/taro'
import { ITempItem } from '@/reducers/counter'
import { View, Text, Image } from '@tarojs/components'
import './index.scss'
import api from '@/api/index'
import { ITempItem } from '.'
import { ComponentClass } from 'react'
import Modal from '@/conpoments/modal'
import { ITempItem } from '@/reducers/counter'
import DetailTop from './conpoments/detail_top'
import Taro, { Component, Config } from '@tarojs/taro'
import TempItem from './conpoments/temp_item/temp_item'
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class FilmDetail extends Component {
filmInfo: {},
filmList: []
this.chengDevice = this.chengDevice.bind(this)
componentWillMount() {
......@@ -67,6 +68,12 @@ class FilmDetail extends Component {
chengDevice() {
const { filmId } = this.state
const url = `/pages/home/device/device_select/index?filmId=${filmId}`
Taro.navigateTo({ url })
shouldComponentUpdate(_nextProps: IProps, _nextState: PageState) {
const { filmInfo, filmList } = this.state
const { filmInfo: _filmInfo, filmList: _filmList } = _nextState
......@@ -91,7 +98,7 @@ class FilmDetail extends Component {
<Button type="primary" className="film-bottom-btn">
<Button type="primary" className="film-bottom-btn">
<Button type="primary" className="film-bottom-btn" onClick={this.chengDevice}>
import api from '@/api/index'
import token from '@/common/token'
import { ComponentClass } from 'react'
import { connect } from '@tarojs/redux'
import { changeTempList } from '@/actions/counter'
import Taro, { Component, Config } from '@tarojs/taro'
import TempItem from './conpoments/temp_item/temp_item'
import { View, Text, Input, ScrollView, Image } from '@tarojs/components'
import { View, Input, ScrollView } from '@tarojs/components'
import './scss/index.scss'
import api from '@/api/index'
import token from '@/common/token'
type PageStateProps = {}
type PageStateProps = {
list: any[]
count: number
type PageDispatchProps = {}
type PageDispatchProps = {
changeTempList: (list: any[], count: number) => void
type PageOwnProps = {}
export interface ITempItem {
filmId: string
filmName?: string
templateId: string
templateUrl: string
templateName: string
equipmentCount?: number
clickItem?: () => void
type PageState = {
dataList: ITempItem[]
page: number
count: number
type IProps = PageStateProps & PageDispatchProps & PageOwnProps
......@@ -35,6 +31,17 @@ interface Tempaltes {
state: PageState
({ counter }) => {
const { list, count } = counter.tempData
return { list, count }
dispatch => ({
changeTempList(list, count) {
dispatch(changeTempList(list, count))
class Tempaltes extends Component {
config: Config = {
navigationBarTitleText: '',
......@@ -44,9 +51,7 @@ class Tempaltes extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
page: 1,
count: 0,
dataList: []
page: 1
......@@ -62,26 +67,21 @@ class Tempaltes extends Component {
// })
// console.log('token.getToken()', token.getToken())
const { list, count } = await api.common.getTempList(
dataList: list
this.props.changeTempList(list, count)
} catch (error) {
console.log({ error })
shouldComponentUpdate(_nextProps, nextState) {
const { dataList } = nextState
const { dataList: Dl } = this.state
return Dl !== dataList
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IProps) {
const { list } = this.props
const { list: _list } = nextProps
return _list !== list
render() {
const { dataList } = this.state
// console.warn({ dataList })
const { list } = this.props
return (
// <PageView>
<View className="tempaltes">
<View className="search-bar">
<Input className="search" placeholder="请输入搜索关键词" />
......@@ -89,17 +89,13 @@ class Tempaltes extends Component {
<View className="scroll-view-wrapper">
<ScrollView className="scroll-view" scrollY>
<View className="list-wrapper">
{ => (
{ => (
<TempItem {...item} key={item.templateId} />
{/* <View />
<View />
<View /> */}
// </PageView>
......@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
.film-bottom-btn-wrapper {
height: 80px;
// height: 80px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
.film-bottom-btn {
flex: 1;
font-size: 26px;
// font-size: 26px;
border-radius: 0;
import { ADD, MINUS } from '../constants/counter'
import { ADD_TEMP_LIST, ADD_FILM_LIST, ADD_DEVICE_LIST } from '../constants/counter'
import { number } from 'prop-types'
export interface ITempItem {
filmId: string
filmName?: string
templateId: string
templateUrl: string
templateName: string
equipmentCount?: number
clickItem?: () => void
export interface IInitialState {
tempData: {
count: number
list: ITempItem[]
num: 0
tempData: {
list: [],
count: 0
deviceData: {
list: [],
count: 0
filmData: {
list: [],
count: 0
export default function counter(state = INITIAL_STATE, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case ADD:
return {
tempData: { list: action.list, count: action.count }
return {
num: state.num + 1
deviceData: { list: action.list, count: action.count }
case MINUS:
return {
num: state.num - 1
filmData: { list: action.list, count: action.count }
return state
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