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<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 1s;">我们是将科技与艺术完美结合的大数据可视化团队</p>
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<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">我们坚持用科技创造艺术的理想,不断走在视觉艺术的最前沿。</p>
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<p class="btword animated bounceInRight " style="animation-delay: 1s;">我们是将科技与艺术完美结合的大数据可视化团队</p>
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and Technology and Art</p>
<p class="conword animated bounceInRight" style="animation-delay: 0.4s;">我们坚持用科技创造艺术的理想,不断走在视觉艺术的最前沿。</p>
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Date.prototype.Format = function (fmt) { //author: meizz
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// 解决方案列表
// type 123 大数据可视化 | 数字展厅 | 数字互动展厅解决方案
ideal.produtsList = [
id: 1,
proName: '隆基泰和大数据分析决策系统',
images: [],
type: 1
id: 2,
proName: '隆基泰和大数据分析决策系统',
images: [],
type: 1
id: 3,
proName: '隆基泰和大数据分析决策系统',
images: [],
type: 1
id: 4,
proName: '隆基泰和大数据分析决策系统',
images: [],
type: 1
id: 5,
proName: '隆基泰和大数据分析决策系统',
images: [],
type: 1
id: 6,
proName: '隆基泰和大数据分析决策系统',
images: [],
type: 1
ideal.dynamicList = [
id: 1,
title: "数字理想作为优秀被投企业受邀参加哈工创投三周年庆典",
date: '2019.01.18',
type: "商讯",
images: []
id: 2,
title: "数字理想作为优秀被投企业受邀参加哈工创投三周年庆典",
date: '2019.01.18',
type: "商讯",
images: []
id: 3,
title: "数字理想作为优秀被投企业受邀参加哈工创投三周年庆典",
date: '2019.01.18',
type: "商讯",
images: []
id: 4,
title: "数字理想作为优秀被投企业受邀参加哈工创投三周年庆典",
date: '2019.01.18',
type: "商讯",
images: []
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