Commit fd73f8bd by fengfan


parent c4a90bb5
...@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@ ...@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@
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<p>长按保存海报 分享给朋友</p> <p>长按保存海报 分享给朋友</p>
<p>集赞获大奖!!</p> <p>集赞获大奖!!</p>
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/*# sourceMappingURL=./ */
\ No newline at end of file
// // api地址 // // api地址
// var server = ''; // var server = '';
// var extra = '7'; // var extra = '7';
...@@ -14,28 +13,28 @@ ...@@ -14,28 +13,28 @@
// var shareImg = ''; // var shareImg = '';
const mode = process.env.NODE_ENV const mode = process.env.NODE_ENV
const BUILD_ENV = process.env.BUILD_ENV const BUILD_ENV = process.env.BUILD_ENV
const weburl = '' const weburl = ''
// 正式地址 // 正式地址
// var url = mode === 'development' ? '' : '' // var url = mode === 'development' ? '' : ''
// 测试地址 // 测试地址
var url = mode === 'development' ? '' : BUILD_ENV==='dev' ? '' : '' var url = mode === 'development' ? '' : BUILD_ENV === 'dev' ? '' : ''
console.log('mode', mode, url, BUILD_ENV,BUILD_ENV==='dev' ) console.log('mode', mode, url, BUILD_ENV, BUILD_ENV === 'dev')
// api地址 // api地址
var h5Url = mode === 'development' ? '/video-test' : BUILD_ENV==='dev' ? '/video-test' : '/video' var h5Url = mode === 'development' ? '/video-test' : BUILD_ENV === 'dev' ? '/video-test' : '/video'
var server = url; var server = url;
var extra = '7'; var extra = '7';
//防封包装的地址 //防封包装的地址
var wrapHref = weburl + h5Url + '/index.html'; var wrapHref = weburl + h5Url + '/index.html';
//首页地址 //首页地址
var indexHref = weburl + h5Url + '/index.html'; var indexHref = weburl + h5Url + '/index.html';
// 个人中心地址 // 个人中心地址
var userCenterHref = weburl + h5Url + '/user.html'; var userCenterHref = weburl + h5Url + '/user.html';
var shareImg = weburl + h5Url + '/static/share.png'; var shareImg = weburl + h5Url + '/static/share.png';
var signHref = '' var signHref = ''
export default{ export default {
server, server,
extra, extra,
userCenterHref, userCenterHref,
...@@ -43,4 +42,4 @@ export default{ ...@@ -43,4 +42,4 @@ export default{
shareImg, shareImg,
wrapHref, wrapHref,
signHref signHref
} }
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@ ...@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
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